Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cousins galore

I don't know about you, but around the holidays I see a lot of my cousins. We have get togethers with both sides of the family for Hanukkah celebration (really just an excuse to eat) and in past years, depending on the status of the Patriots, we also have festivities around the games, taking up multiple weekends. Of course this year the Patriots lost their starting quarterback, went 11-5 and STILL somehow did not make the playoffs, but I suppose that rant is for another post.

So this year, I had a normal dosage of cousin-ness. My family is pretty close, but on both sides of the family the age differences among cousins spans about 1o or 15 years. That might be normal, but I guess I'm realizing that it takes until you get to a certain age (maybe, say 24) to appreciate that I actually have a lot in common with someone 10 years older or younger than me. And what, you might ask, brought this realization upon me? Guitar Hero. Actually, Guitar Hero World Tour. Remember the commercial (yes I think this is hilarious, I don't care who of you hates one of these men)? That was me, plus three of my cousins playing, plus another two and one of my sister's singing along as fans.

Seriously, it was awesome. Aaron was SICK on the drums. If only they were real he might actually have something there. I was not-so-sick on vocals and occasionally guitar. My sister Amanda and I kept getting like overheated from playing in sweaters because we were really giving it our all, and i mean there's a reason Mick Jagger runs around on stage in tiny little T-shirts. The best moment was probably when I took a moment during "Livin' on a prayer" to listen to the horrible noise coming from the basement that was our group jam.

What I'm trying to say is I had one of the greatest Hanukkah celebrations thanks to a video game, and I don't care what that says about me. If only that thing had been around 10 years ago, maybe we could have started this gig then and really had fun spinning that dreidel, if you know what I mean.

Apparently we were playing Guitar Hero World Tour at the same time that some members of the Bruins were playing Rock Band at the annual "Wives Charity Carnival." You can check it out here but just know that the Comak version was definitely better.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

i also played this Guitar Hero. of course, i only played if i could be the singer. trust me, you haven't lived until you've heard me sing "Heartbreaker." "you're the right kind of sinner, to release my inner fantasyyyyyyyyyyyy"

-Alyssa :)

Anonymous said...

We actually had a Rock Band concert at work recently, it was amazing! They gave us "back stage" passes and everything. Needless to say the IT Department won. Freakin' nerds.

In reference to the Dreidel song, maybe you all can rock out to this Dreidel Song remix:

You can thank me for making your lives better from watching this later.

Jenn said...

sweet sassey comak were you dancing as well?!?

Unknown said...

THAT was really funny! What about a jam session with a few Springsteen tunes....Hmmmm. now you're cooking.