Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A better version of Bert's street art in Mary Poppins

I did not stumble onto this myself, but definitely think it should be shared. Check out this clip to see how some really cool street art is made. Also, if you click here, there are more examples of this artist, Edgar Mueller's, work.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Orange February

I decided to cram all of my SU basketball encounters into a two week span this year. I suppose that was a good idea because I'm starting to think that my being in attendance at a game has a negative effect on SU's ability to A) play offense and B) play defense.

But really, the game was in both cases a side show to the wonder that is my friends. We decided to take in both SU-Villanova games this year, one in Philly, land of cheesesteaks, and one in Syracuse, land of cheap beer and pizza. Both weekends showed me that your best friends don't change that much. Even when they grow up and buy houses, move across the country, make sizeable salaries, and move in with significant others, they still will spend hours watching the latest mind sucking reality tv show with you. Or complain that the $3 pitchers went up to $3.50 and that's really too much to pay at Chuck's. Or arrange your apples and banana into male genatalia whenever your back is turned.

So here's hoping that the 'cuse bball team can manage to be a little less frustrating during the last few weeks of the season and make a push for the tournament. I know that I want to watch them play (on tv, that is) and so do the rest of my friends.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

EDAR to the rescue

I'll post something more substantial soon, but I saw this clip on the news last night and thought it was interesting--a way to give homeless people a "home," and one that actually satisfies many of those who have been homeless for years. It's called EDAR--Everyone Deserves a Roof. Check it out.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

If Google ruled the world--oh wait, it does

It dawned on me recently that Google does, in fact, rule the world. For some reason, that point has been made increasingly clear to me in the past week or so. It started with an article in Time magazine about how people can now view works in the Prado (pretty famous art museum in Madrid) using Google Earth. Apparently the fancy shmancy Google technology was able to capture down to the 14 Gillionth mexapixel or something so if you want to view the brush strokes for Las Meninas, it is now possible. Thank you Google.

Sidenote, I found this mildly funny considering I visited the Prado about a year ago with my cousin Arielle and friend Beth and while we were goofing around a photo of one of us may have been taken, which may have almost resulted in us being escorted out of the museum...

So then I found out something way cooler- Google has taken over the oceans. They are giving ordinary people the chance to explore the depths of the sea and check out tourist information for that next windsurfing trip (or sailing or kayaking) we might want to take. Oh, and the ability to view old shipwrecks at the bottom of the ocean! This could occupy me for hours. Now, due to my fear of my 7-year-old computer exploding, I have decided not to download Google Earth. I will one day, but you can today! Do it. And let me know what the vampire squid really looks like.

Now, that would not really be enough to convince me that Google has taken over the world. I then found out that Google has its own police force. OK, that's not quite true- but they are helping the police catch people who decide to grow fields of pot! Once again, Google Earth to the rescue, helping to make sure the law of the land (in this case Switzerland) doesn't go up in a cloud of smoke.

I found out today that the publishing company I work for has decided to put our entire library of books on Google Books. Apparently us giving away our content (basically, although I guess you cannot print off of Google Books) helps with search engine optimization purposes. So now, to be a successful company, you have to give your product away via Google! Some of my favorite magazines, that I currently buy, are also on Google Books (note to self...)

I recently discovered that Google Reader blows my mind by aggregating all of the stuff I read on a daily basis in a nice little window for me. It basically thinks for me. So now we don't need brains either.

Last but not least, this blog posting wouldn't be possible without the magic of Google. What's crazy is that I'm leaving probably hundreds of other purposes that Google serves on a daily basis.

So, in summary, Google rules the world- or at least my life. That kind of creeps me out, and kind of makes me feel safe at the same time. Oy gevalt.