Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday morning dillema

Every Monday morning I come in to work and someone has put their Netflix movies from the weekend in the "outgoing mail" bin. The rule at my company is you are allowed to place any private mail in the outgoing mail bin so long as it has the proper stamp.

Each week I ponder taking the movies out of the bin, watching them for myself, and mailing them in the next day. The Netflix user wouldn't even know. Of course, I'd be stealing, technically, which is why I haven't actually done it yet, but they are just calling to me...

What would you do?


Anonymous said...

do NOT do that! it is considered tampering with the federal mail - a federal criminal offense. i repeat, do NOT do that.

besides crime, it is actually pretty annoying to do because (as a Netflix customer, i know this) the envelopes are sticky-sealed and are hard to re-seal.

love, your soon-to-be lawyer

The daughter said...

what if it's a very naughty movie? then you have to go around to find out who would order such a thing, and then what if you find out it's your boss??

hilarious. do it.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I didn't even think of that - I just thought how someone should tell them there's a mailbox right outside (faster). And maybe I should, because if you use up a day watching their movie, they'll get their next movie that much later. Then maybe they'll unsubscribe to Netflix and the company will collapse. And then look what you did.

Anonymous said...

oooo I think you should! What a great idea! People do that at my office too...maybe I'll try it. :)

Jenn said...

no questions it fo sho and then start a new blog to review all your "borrowed" movies.

Berto said...

People DEFINITELY did that while I was working there with you. And whoever was stealing my movies took their sweet-ass time to watch them, because it took like two weeks to get another movie in the mail. I started walking out of editorial and down to the loading dock to drop my movies in the actual mailbox they have out there.

That being said, the borrowed movies blog idea is brilliant, so steal away!